- Medical Laboratory Services
The continuous development of automation technology in medical diagnostics goes on, and today has made it into the era of intelligent management. Well-planned inspection SOPs and introduction of the next generation automation and cloud technologies enhance the effective use of medical resources and improve the level of medical service quality.
Bio-Check is the only professional team in Taiwan that offers an integrated complete solution service, assisting our collaborate partners to successfully improve examination procedures and quality. Bio-Check participated in a number of large-scale, high-volume laboratory integration projects, which were accredited with many national awards, and achieved many ‘Taiwan number one’ in the field of the clinical laboratory industry.

Sinlong Medilab

ThinPreps Pathology Center
Strategic allied laboratories
Bio-Check formed the most robust collaborative partnerships in medical diagnostics by integrating overall upstream and downstream industrial resources, offering customized complete solutions for the medical laboratory, up to the establishment of a most advanced medical laboratory. Hence Bio-Check is the best partner and provider in comprehensive referral and send-out test services.